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Do soil conditioners aggravate the methylenation of mercury?

June 15, 2020

Do soil conditioners aggravate the methylenation of mercury?

The addition of soil conditioners (surfactants) is not anticipated to increase methyl mercury in the RTM.
June 15, 2020

What can be done with soil to create habitat projects due to legacy mercury?

All soils excavated during construction, including reusable tunnel material (RTM), would be tested for the presence of constituents, including mercury. The concentration of these constituents would […]
June 15, 2020

Will the dewatering process create odors?

The largest extent of dewatering flows on the Delta Conveyance program construction sites would probably be from the vertical tunnel shaft locations, which would extend less […]
June 15, 2020

How far upstream and downstream will the levees be affected and what kind of mitigation will be used? How do changes to the East Bank affect the West Bank, and what kind of mitigation will be used?

Hydrodynamic modeling has not yet been conducted. However, it is expected from previous modeling that the intake structures would not materially impact the water levels in […]
June 15, 2020

DWR’s boring data should be released to SEC members without a PRA.

The geotechnical data currently being evaluated consist of summary reports, well drilling reports and/or soil investigations by DWR (including flood projects), Caltrans and other state agencies. […]
June 15, 2020

Can you provide information about harmful algal blooms?

DWR will evaluate the potential for harmful algal blooms through a comparison of conditions with and without implementation of the project and alternatives. This comment is […]
June 15, 2020

What effect will restoration plans and mitigation plans have on state parks?

The environmental impact analysis for Delta Conveyance has not yet started. Mitigation plans have not been developed for the program, and restoration locations have not been […]
June 15, 2020

My concerns include water quality, water levels rising and falling and how that will affect fish and plants.

DWR will assess potential impacts to fish and wildlife (including plants) and associated habitat during future environmental compliance activities, including the CEQA environmental review process. This […]
June 15, 2020

Why were Southern California reservoirs full when Northern California reservoirs were empty during the last drought?

See attached response.