The locations of the maintenance, reception and launch shafts would be in separate locations, so access, support and staging facilities would also be separate.
Intake fish screens constructed along the Sacramento River near the city of Sacramento or in the Delta were smaller than the intake fish screens being considered […]
In the Notice of Preparation (NOP), DWR identified that the proposed project could divert up to 6,000 cfs with two intake facilities. These intake facilities are […]
The bottom of the sedimentation basins at the intakes would be located below the groundwater elevation. As described at the January 22, 2020, SEC meeting, the […]
After construction, the water level in the facility would be higher than the surrounding groundwater. Also, the site would be surrounded by a slurry cutoff wall. […]
It is possible that geotechnical conditions may result in minor adjustments to facility locations within currently identified intake sites; however, major changes are not anticipated at […]
“The approximate GPS coordinates for the intakes described at the January 22, 2020, SEC meeting are provided below. As discussed in the January 22, 2020, SEC […]