We do not expect seepage from connecting tunnel segments due to the construction method. The tunnel segments are put together within the cylindrical steel shield of […]
As described at the January 22, 2020, SEC meeting, the intake construction site would be surrounded by a slurry wall. Slurry walls would serve to isolate […]
Since water level impacts would not be expected to require levee modifications, impacts to the bank opposite the intakes would be evaluated using Hydrodynamic modeling to […]
At this point in the project, the sizes and locations of the facilities under the proposed project and the potential alternatives are being developed. As more […]
DCA is developing maps that indicate areas along the Delta waterways that could be used by different sized barges, areas that may not support barge traffic, […]
SEC meetings 3-8 break the project up into individual components, each with their individual requirements for imported material. For components where a lot of import is […]
Pile driving could be used at numerous locations of the Delta Conveyance program, including the intakes. The January 22, 2020, presentation on intakes described the potential […]