DWR, as the CEQA lead agency, will conduct a CEQA analysis on the proposed Delta Conveyance program that includes analyzing potential impacts to biological, cultural and tribal cultural resources, among many other resource areas. To analyze potential impacts to biological resources, an evaluation of the project study area, including Clifton Court Forebay, will be conducted to identify plant communities and determine if existing conditions provide habitat for any special-status plant or wildlife species or are the location of any tribal cultural resources. As part of the cultural and tribal cultural resources review, DWR will be providing tribes the opportunity, through consultation as required under AB 52 and DWR’s own Tribal Engagement Policy, to share information concerning native plant species that are used for tribal medicinal practices and potential measures for avoidance or mitigation. Cultural resources work will be initiated consistent with release of the Notice of Preparation. DWR has initiated pre-AB 52 discussions with the tribes with potential ancestral territories in the Delta.