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Where would barges be parked at nights and on weekends?

June 15, 2020

Where would barges be parked at nights and on weekends?

The DCA team includes barging specialists. The DCA is developing barge landings as well as rail-served material depots to reduce truck traffic. The plans being developed […]
June 15, 2020

Has DCA determined if these trestle bridges would be a hazard for either the trains or the workers in the dig areas? Will the TBM be tunneling under the bridges?

The tunnel alignment would be constructed more than 120 feet below the ground surface, including foundations of trestle bridges. Prior to the completion of design, geotechnical […]
June 15, 2020

Does the slide showing truck trips per day reflect the number for one shaft or for multiple shafts? Are all of the shafts constructed simultaneously or is their construction staggered?

The data in the presentation was shown for one launch, maintenance or reception shaft site. The launch shafts would be located approximately 15 miles from the […]
June 15, 2020

Is new rail siding needed on existing rail lines if rail is used, or will DCA build a spur to the launch sites?

Currently, DCA is considering construction of railyards adjacent to the railroad tracks at locations along the Interstate 5 corridor. Materials would be moved on conveyors and/or […]
June 15, 2020

Is it feasible to use barges at all, since opening the bridges stops the traffic in both directions?

The environmental impact analysis for Delta Conveyance will include evaluation of road traffic on operable bridges to allow for barge traffic. This comment is related to […]
June 15, 2020

Can the informational materials please represent barge and rail trips as round trips?

All data related to barge and rail trips presented to the Stakeholder Engagement Committee have been described as “round trips.” Future presentations will include the specific […]
June 15, 2020

Can you provide the truck trip estimates for operational traffic for hauling away sediment?

The estimated amount of sediment to be removed at the intakes will be calculated following the completion of the EIR operational modeling. When the sediment volumes […]
June 15, 2020

The proposed project is a 40-foot diameter TBM that is tunneling 40 miles. There may be four TBMs, but the process is the same. What happens if the TBM gets stuck? What about safety in the tunnels?

There will be multiple TBMs on the project, and they are all expected to use a pressurized face method of excavation (i.e., earth pressure balance and/or […]
June 15, 2020

Is the project subject to the jurisdiction of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)?

MSHA has jurisdiction over mines (i.e., places where minerals are extracted) and related facilities. This does not include water conveyance tunnels (MSHA Program Policy Manual, Section […]