Martin Milobar

Martin Milobar
President, representing Kern County Water Agency
Martin Milobar graduated from Cal Poly State University in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering. After serving in the Army in Germany from 1969-1971, he attended Fresno State University to obtain a second degree in Civil Engineering, after which he began work towards agricultural water management ending with 24 years at Buena Vista Water Storage District as their Engineer Manager. Martin retired in 2008 and was elected as the Director for the Kern County Water Agency, a State Water Project contractor which supplies nearly one million acre-feet of its contracted state water to 3 urban and 11 agricultural member unit districts.
Martin has a long-standing interest in agriculture, owning a small acreage where he and his wife have participated in raising and competing in horse shows and performance activities as well as raising cattle. While at Buena Vista Water Storage District, he became closely involved in water management activities including water banking projects for the district’s farmers. The district he managed was a State Water Project Member for the Kern County Water Agency and possessed Kern River water rights and storage rights in Isabella Reservoir. Thus, he was involved in and understands the complexity of water issues facing Kern County Water Agency. He was also involved in the Department of Water Resources’ snow surveys program through his district’s participation with the Kern River Interests. Martin is very interested in the Delta Conveyance Project and anticipates addressing a variety of complex issues with his fellow DCA Board members.