Joshua Nelson

Joshua Nelson
Legal Counsel
Joshua Nelson is a partner with Best Best & Krieger LLP and has over ten years of experience providing city attorney and general counsel services to public agency clients. Josh is licensed in both California and Nevada and serves as General Counsel to the DCA. In addition to the DCA, Josh’s general counsel water clients include the Alpine Springs County Water District, American Valley Community Services District, North Tahoe Public Utility District, and Soquel Creek Water District. He also acts as Assistant General Counsel to the Citrus Heights Water District. His general governance work includes an emphasis on conflicts of interest and ethics, especially regarding contracting. Josh regularly speaks on Government Code section 1090, Political Reform Act, and legal conflicts of interest issues. He also has significant experience with all manner of joint powers agreements, including forming and advising joint powers agencies and public agencies that act as parties to joint powers agreements or members of a joint powers agency.
Other areas of focus include Proposition 218/26 compliance and general utilities issues. This includes advisory and litigation assistance on rate matters and assisting public agencies (both regulators and utilities) with right-of-way management issues.