Andrew Finney

Andrew Finney

Geotechnical Lead

Andrew Finney is a Principal geotechnical and tunnel engineer with Jacobs. He has over 30 years of experience working across the globe on geotechnical aspects of water projects including reservoirs, pump stations, pipelines, intakes, outfalls, levee crossings, and conveyance tunnels and trenchless works. Mr. Finney has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University and a M.S. in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Washington in Seattle. He has authored numerous publications, most recently serving on the ASCE committees that published the new Manual of Practice (MOP) for the Pilot Tube and Other Guided Boring trenchless methods and the MOP for Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting.

View Andrew Finney’s Leadership Spotlight Presentation from the December 17, 2020 DCA Board of Directors Meeting: